jueves, 22 de junio de 2017


Click on the link and complete the following sentences:

Click here

1.    I’ve never worked well   ___________________________

2.    I try to be ___________ about my revision techniques.

3.    The first thing I do is _______ my desk and making a ________

4.    Once my desk is ______________ , the next thing I do is make a detailed _______________         

5.    I also plan how long I __________ and how much I _________  get done.

6.    I normally end up _________ something much more interesting to do.

7.    I sometimes ______ a few mates ______ for a revision session.

8.    When it gets to the night before the exam, I’m usually _______

9.       … end up spending far too long on the first question and
     have to ____________________

10.                      … try not to think about it until _________________

 Check key at the bottom


1.      under exam pressure
2.      sensible
3.       tidy  -  start
4.       in order  -  timetable
5.       spend on  -  should
6.       finding
7.       get  -  round
8.       in a complete panic
9.       rush through the rest
10 .  the results come out

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