jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019


On May Day or May 1st theres is a special tradition called MAYPOLE

MAYPOLE is a tall pole fixed in the ground which is decorated with ribbons, flowers and flags.There are dancers dancing around,  each holding a ribbon attached to the top of the pole. 

It has been celebrated for centuries as part of the British culture when spring enters full bloom and summer is coming in.

After a long decline in interest, traditional May Day activities are experiencing a rebirth due to a greater awareness of  the country's culture and the sheer enjoyment by dancers and audience alike. Now there is a far greater degree of creativity with new dances and styles being invented all the time.
Originally dancers would have worn their best clothes. Now anything goes, from traditional costumes to school uniforms or just sashes to identify dancers from spectators.

Although Maypoles are regarded as something very English, they exist in many other parts of the world with some slight variations. In Galicia we have Os Maios, which may have a similar origen.

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